New Beer Release! The Wild Card Project: Anna Borup
Aeons ago, prehistoric reptiles roamed the Earth. They traversed the changing continents - some flying, some swimming - until a meteor crashed down to Earth and caused their extinction. In collaboration with the artist Anna Borup, we’ve brought four of these mysterious creatures back to life, each accompanying a fresh new beer.
The magnificent Pterodactyl is our hoppy pale ale, fresh and easy-drinking. We’ve made two IPAs this time - Stegosaurus is a smooth, oat-y beer and the other, the Parasaurolophus, is dank & juicy, with a delicate hit of coconut and lime peel. In the last of the series, the mighty Triceratops adorns our latest sour beer; a blackcurrant & lime Gose laced with Wild Card favourite, the sorrel flower.
Pterodactylus was the first discovered of the order Pterosauria. These winged reptiles were the largest flying creatures ever to have lived.
The Parasaurolophus has bemused scientists for centuries, due to its extraordinary crested head.
Despite its fearsome appearance, the Stegosaurus was a gentle, slow-moving herbivore. Its armoured back has caused much furore amongst palaeontologists. Why was this beast endowed with such distinctive, colour-changing plates?
The warrior Triceratops weighed between 6-8 tons. It defeated opponents with its frilled collar and three pointed horns.
Anna Borup is an artist living in East London. In her work, she uses a bold colour palette, with a focus on surreal compositions which feature animals and nature. You can find out more about her here or via her Instagram @anna.borup.